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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Tea

"How to Overcome Obstacles and Thrive: A 5-Part Series"

stacks of antique suitcases
Picture by Engin-Akurt from Pixabay

My current journey started with an anxious 13-hour drive up North because people we love had gotten in a terrible car accident. We had little news on the crisis that awaited us. Life was not lost thank goodness, but I saw their fragileness during the accident and beyond.

They are elderly but they have not taken care of themselves over the years. My parents are older but their health is so much more vibrant.

a watercolor of a sad woman
picture by tsukiko-kiyomidz from Pixabay

At this point, I looked at my life and saw my life was not at all like my parents. My routine varied and I was not getting the important stuff done. My water intake had plummeted while I was away from home. Did you know how many ways not having enough water can affect the body? I was trying to make protein, and fruits and veggies, a priority to help to have more energy. When I was gone, I couldn't figure out how to make protein-rich foods in someone else's home. Now the big thing that I noticed how scary it was to be near a mean person.

Now the big thing that I noticed when I came back was the ways that the mean person affected everyone in my family from my son's prayer to my husband being on edge, and finally how my anxiety increased a lot when I went home.

And, of course, my exercise was gone when we got home. That was because I didn't have a place to exercise up North. That was because I didn't have enough space. And with my anxiety so far up, I somehow forgot how much it could help.

So, here I am weeks later, and I am still having trouble with all these things coming together. With knowing all this I knew I had to overcome obstacles that stood in my way.

a journal next to a cup of coffee on a light wooden table
AI picture by Wix

So, I decided to start a specific journal to write about how these things are changing with new and old techniques. I'm going to turn this into a 5-post series. I think it'll be eye-opening for everyone. I know I will feel this way when trying to get through all of this. I think obstacles will become is easier to overcome.

I'm thinking about fixing my water intake first. Have any of you found this to be a problem?

In the comments, please tell me what you want me to work on to feel better. It doesn't have to be any of mine. Yours are just as important to me as my own. You know as your wannabe positivity expert, I will make it a priority. And if there are too many, I will combine them or add more posts to this series. Don't worry, you Deers, no thought will be overlooked. My suggestion is to start listening to music. I'll get to it in a later post in this series but you going give me comments about it in the comments throughout this series. I promise that I will continue to find ways to incorporate them into my series.

An instagram logo
by ElisaRiva on Pixabay

Oh, and I will be adding snippets to my Instagram posts each week about how things are going @thehealthymindsanctuary. And I will share the journal entries I shared with the pop-up in this post so you don't have to give me your email address. I know that can be frustrating for me. I hadn't thought about that before. It will be at the end of this post. I will try to incorporate it into a picture link or just by itself. I'll put a caption no matter what.

Now go. Be safe. Know that you are not alone.

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