So I have written and thought about this blog post for quite a while. This is normal. But this one has been too extreme. I have written it in the shower where everyone's inspired, but you can't dictate it on something. You can't write on paper. It's interesting.
So this morning, I am up way early. It is beautiful. I saw the sunrise. And I felt like this was the moment to write this. And, I'm here right now to write about what.
Since things in my life have changed so drastically with this today's post is not a part of the five-part series. Ballet. Yes, ballet has changed my life and is more important than the five-part series. It has changed my body, my mind, and my mindset. You probably remember how I loved to dance throughout my house with music playing. Well, I've just increased it to another level altogether.
It started 5 weeks ago at a low point waiting for my MRI. I was tired and remembered another low point where I refused to give up and decided to save my physical and mental well-being. As I got out of the shower, I had a plan.
Ballet. "What?!" You may be completely amazed by my solution. "How are you gonna do ballet?" Well, don't worry, I had a plan YouTube and Google came into it. I wanted to strengthen my legs. Which at the time was doing nothing for me. They were going in the wrong direction, crossing over themselves, and creating a lovely way to land in the heap on the floor. I needed to get some control of my muscles that were giving me no help whatsoever. And second, I wanted to rewire my mind. I wanted to be healthy. And have good coordination, a healthy balance, and a beautiful mindset that would take me through these challenging times.

So you may have guessed why coordination and balance would improve with dance like ballet. But as your wannabe positivity expert, I am always searching for ways to create positivity within myself and you, my deers.
This time I was feeling desperate to find a way to boost my positivity. However, in this case, it was more to stop the sadness and depression from constantly following me and tripping me up. Physically and mentally.
But knowing how much I know about mental health and positivity and my past. I knew that I had to do something. I knew that ballet was perfect. The solution, was not just because it was exercise. I had always wanted to be a ballerina all my life. I never got my chance. So, I decided that today and moving forward was my opportunity.
But that day I started ballet by looking up YouTube ballet teachers that taught beginning adults. I found the perfect one within an hour or two.
The lady's YouTube channel for beginning adults was so thrilling. I felt like the elegance and grace of the ballet calmed, my mind. And my leap began. My legs began to get stronger. The first time I noticed the power and strength was when I started to fall and caught myself in a curtsy.
Yes, a curtsy. Isn't that hilarious? It was awesome. I felt so excited. But the first time I felt the feeling of positivity was when I started wanting to do it more and more because I felt like I was more elegant and wanted to do some in the kitchen and I felt so happy when I did.

It was just time to do this. And then I noticed, I felt more positive all day long. You can probably imagine that ballet suddenly became the go-to dance in my kitchen. Yeah, I know dancing in the kitchen is a little funny. But it was beautiful. And I didn't want to stop this. I didn't care what kind of music was on I practiced the steps I was learning.
I didn't want to forget how this made me feel. So now, I wanted to see how it helped my mindset. You know, a little experiment. As you all know I love a little experiment. So, I started feeling Different. I started feeling positive. And I know that it sounds funny, but after each exercise, my body's changes boosted my mindset even more.
And I'm not telling you to go out and start ballet. Or any dance. What I am explaining to you is, that there are ways to find peace and harmony within your body, mind, and soul. There are ways to find happiness and movement. Even if it's not a type of movement, there are ways to find happiness within your body and mind that can be long-standing.
And I didn't think it was possible. I know music can always help me. And ballet does have beautiful music associated with it. But I had never found a physical activity that made my mind and body work together so seamlessly. I'm not saying it cured every ailment. But it sure helped how I felt about it. I still have the problems but my stronger legs and core helps with fall prevention. And it wasn't just doom and gloom as I love saying. It was like, I had control over what my body was doing, and what it gave my mind, such a wonderful set of peace and tranquility.

Maybe the strength to find your way of doing this isn't about finding movement, so that has helped me tremendously. If you already have a specific movement that you enjoy. Great. Maybe, it's about changing how you connect it with your mind. Or changes how you use it to create a better or even growth mindset. You know how I love those endorphins that come flying out. It's about finding a way to move your body and create a new growth mindset. Or even only your mindset will do. Creating a beautiful place within your body can create peace and tranquility.
I already have a new blog post for next week so don't worry about having one ready. It's been a long road lately, but I have some ideas.
I think that today can be a good day for you. A great day. A lovely day.
Now go. Be safe. Know that you are not alone.